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Report a troll

Tên Tắt Các Hành Vi Phá Game
  • #AFK
  • #Hate speech
  • #Feeding
  • #Cheating
The data collected may be used by OP.GG.
You can report up to 3 trolls per day.
* You can only report summoners you've recently played with.

To report a troll, please verify your summoner account{br}by connecting your Riot account in the OP.GG account settings.

* You can only report summoners you've recently played with.

  • Tên Người Chơi
  • Bậc
  • Troll level
  • Report count
  • Ghi Chú
  • Tên Tắt Các Hành Vi Phá Game
  • Ngày Đăng Ký